Million Artists is a new project, aimed at raising funds for medical charities, while creating the world’s largest piece of collaborative abstract art. Each donor selects a pixel of color to become part of a huge abstract ’painting’. You don’t even have to be an artist to take part and donations are made easy by PayPal or credit card.
Featured Artist
Total donations: $1775
Total donors: 222
Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide logo

Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide (CFW)

Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide is an international, nonprofit organization working to promote access to appropriate care and education to people affected by cystic fibrosis and to improve the knowledge of CF among medical professionals and governments worldwide. CFW supports the search for a cure, promotes linkage between countries in order to share experiences, research and education. CFW’s global partners include the World Health Organization and more than fifty member countries.

An example of where donations gathered by Million Artists will be used: Donations are used to fund projects that directly affect person with CF as well as fund the operation of the CFW website, Newsletter and lay conferences worldwide.

Additional information: www.cfww.org

Letter of Endorsement

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National Ovarian Cancer Association logo

National Ovarian Cancer Association (NOCA)

National Ovarian Cancer Association is dedicated to overcoming ovarian cancer. NOCA provides leadership by supporting women living with the disease and their families; raising awareness within the general public and among healthcare professionals; and funding research to develop reliable early detection techniques, improved treatments, and ultimately, a cure.

An example of where donations gathered by Million Artists will be used: Your donation will be used to “Turn UP the Volume!” on the disease that whispers. If ovarian cancer is found early and treated the survival rate is as high as 90%. Awareness is crucial; please join us in this movement to think ovarian.

Additional information: www.ovariancanada.org

Letter of Endorsement

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SickKids Foundation logo

SickKids Foundation

SickKids is a Canadian national treasure, at the forefront of pediatric health care and research. The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) has been a place of healing and of hope since it was founded in 1875. It is currently working at raising $500 million in support of children health by 2011.

An example of where donations gathered by Million Artists will be used: One of the hospitals greatest needs is Research Discovery.

Additional information: www.SickKidsFoundation.com

Letter of Endorsement

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Doctors Without Borders / Medecins Sans Frontieres ( MSF ) logo

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) or Doctors Without Borders was started by a small group of French doctors who were determined to find a way to respond rapidly and effectively to public health emergencies, with complete independence from political, economic and religious influences. Today, it is the world’s leading independent international medical relief organisation, with 5 operational centres in Europe and 14 national sections worldwide.
MSF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.

An example of where donations gathered by Million Artists will be used: MSF has been operating a trauma centre, St. Joseph’s Hospital, in Port au Prince, since December 2004. A third of its patients are treated for gunshot wounds. Knife wounds are the second most common category. A Haitian physician working for MSF says, “We have a lot of injuries caused by fragmentation bullets. Usually there is a small entry wound and a small exit wound. These bullets explode inside the abdomen of the patient and cause a lot of internal injuries. Fragmentary bullets are used by everyone.”
By the end of March 2005, the St Joseph’s doctors had treated more than a thousand patients for bullet wounds. And the numbers are rising with about eight victims a day being treated

Additional information: www.msf.ca

Letter of Endorsement

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